Learn how to make money on Snapchat

Snapchat Monetization Program
Are you a Creator that consistently posts Stories and Spotlights on Snapchat? If so, our monetization program rewards established Creators for the content they share – it’s our way of saying thank you for investing in the Snapchat community. Find out how to qualify and learn more about our Monetization Terms and Creator Monetization Policy.

Paid Partnership Label
If you would like to post sponsored content, you can add a "Paid Partnership" label on your Public Snaps from the Send To screen.
Snap Stars can go one step further, and tag a Brand when posting their own Spotlight, Snap Map, and Public Story Snaps. Here’s how to add a "Paid Partnership" label on your sponsored content.

Brand Partnerships Toggle
Businesses often use third party partners for discovering creators on Snapchat. Opt in to share your Public Profile analytics with Snap's third party partners via the ‘Brand Partnerships toggle’ – this information is critical for businesses to decide which creator is best for working with their brand.
View your Public Profile settings and toggle on ‘Brand Partnerships’ to opt-in to sharing your insights publicly with third party partners who focus on Creator discovery for Brand Partnerships.