Snap School 2022 Was a Success!
The Stars Have Arrived

Last week, we welcomed Snap Stars to our brand new Creator Lounge at Snap’s headquarters in sunny Los Angeles to get to know one another and educate them on our latest best practices across Stories, Spotlight, and Snap Maps.
It was a day fun-filled of mentorship and advice, most notably from Brooke Berry, Snapchat’s Head of Talent Development. “It was beyond exciting to see our passionate creators come together to celebrate Snap's creator community!” Brooke said.
One by one, creators entered through a larger-than-life silhouette of Snap’s Ghostface Chillah and mingled as the day’s events began.
And what better way to spend a day with content creators than to create some content? We did a Q&A called Snap 60 and played a game of truth or dare called Spill or Snap. Plus, the creators played with Pixy, Snapchat’s new, pocket-size flying camera. See the full behind-the-scenes video here!
We’re so proud of our creator turnout! As they — and other Snapchat creators, like you! — continue to grow on our platform, we look forward to hosting additional events to celebrate our inspiring community.
A special thanks to all those who helped put together such an engaging and enlightening event, and to the talented creators who came to support Snapchat. We can’t wait for next year!
For more on all things Snap Creators, follow us @SnapCreators.
Shoutout to the Snap School Class of ‘22:
Dai Time (@It’sDaiTime) / Carter Kench (@Carterkench33) / Leo González (@leogonzall) / Ari Elkins (@arijelkins) / Dominic Andre (@Dominicandre18) / Mattie Westbrouck (@westbrouck) / Drea Okeke (@Drea_knowsbest) / Matt Taylor (@mattheperson) / Nicky Champa (@itsnickychampa) / Isabella Ferregur (@Izzy-bieber) / Jesus Zapien (@Jesus_nalgas) / Sebastian Moy (@SebastianMoy) / Lauren Godwin (@Laurengodwin5) / Pierre Boo (@iampierreboo) / Salice Rose (@SaliceRose) / Mya Angelise (@Myaangelise) / Lauren Ashley Beck (@Middletonelle) / Sicily Rose (@SicilyRose) / Mitchell Eason (@mitchceason) / Jacques Slade (@kustoo) / Ava Koker (@avagkolker) / Isha Punja (@ishaaap) / Gabrielle Moses (@gabrielle_moses) / Chase DeMoor (@Hbk_chase) / Bryce Xavier (@Brycexavier) / Isaiah Garza (@isaiahgarzaintl) / Lillian Babaian (@LILLIANBABAIAN) / Aaron Maternowski (@Curlyyfuq) / Alec Materownowski (@Curlierfuq) / Mary Batshoun (@Thatgirllmary) / Alexia Del Valle (@lexdelvallesnap)